Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Introduction and Overview to World War I
Introduction and Overview to World War I World War I was a major conflict fought in Europe and around the world between July 28, 1914, and November 11, 1918. Nations from across all non-polar continents were involved, although Russia, Britain, France, Germany, and Austria-Hungary dominated. Much of the war was characterized by stagnant trench warfare and massive loss of life in failed attacks; over eight million people were killed in battle. Belligerent Nations The war was fought by two main power blocks: the Entente Powers, or Allies, comprised of Russia, France, Britain (and later the U.S.), and their allies on one side and the Central Powers of Germany, Austro-Hungary, Turkey, and their allies on the other. Italy later joined the Entente. Many other countries played smaller parts on both sides. Origins of World War I European politics in the early twentieth century were a dichotomy: many politicians thought war had been banished by progress while others, influenced partly by a fierce arms race, felt war was inevitable. In Germany, this belief went further: the war should happen sooner rather than later, while they still (as they believed) had an advantage over their perceived major enemy, Russia. As Russia and France were allied, Germany feared an attack from both sides. To mitigate this threat, the Germans developed the Schlieffen Plan, a swift looping attack on France designed to knock it out early, allowing for concentration on Russia. Rising tensions culminated on June 28th, 1914 with the assassination of Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian activist, an ally of Russia. Austro-Hungary asked for German support and was promised a blank cheque; they declared war on Serbia on July 28th. What followed was a sort of domino effect as more and more nations joined the fight. Russia mobilized to support Serbia, so Germany declared war on Russia; France then declared war on Germany. As German troops swung through Belgium into France days later, Britain declared war on Germany too. Declarations continued until much of Europe was at war with each other. There was widespread public support. World War I on Land After the swift German invasion of France was stopped at the Marne, the race to the sea followed as each side tried to outflank each other ever closer to the English Channel. This left the entire Western Front divided by over 400 miles of trenches, around which the war stagnated. Despite massive battles like Ypres, little progress was made and a battle of attrition emerged, caused partly by German intentions to bleed the French dry at Verdun and Britains attempts on the Somme. There was more movement on the Eastern Front with some major victories, but there was nothing decisive and the war carried on with high casualties. Attempts to find another route into their enemy’s territory led to the failed Allied invasion of Gallipoli, where Allied forces held a beachhead but were halted by fierce Turkish resistance. There was also conflict on the Italian front, the Balkans, the Middle East, and smaller struggles in colonial holdings where the warring powers bordered each other. World War I at Sea Although the build-up to war had included a naval arms race between Britain and Germany, the only large naval engagement of the conflict was the Battle of Jutland, where both sides claimed victory. Instead, the defining struggle involved submarines and the German decision to pursue Unrestricted Submarine Warfare (USW). This policy allowed submarines to attack any target they found, including those belonging to the neutral United States, which caused the latter to enter the war in 1917 on behalf of the Allies, supplying much-needed manpower. Victory Despite Austria-Hungary becoming little more than a German satellite, the Eastern Front was the first to be resolved, the war causing massive political and military instability in Russia, leading to the Revolutions of 1917, the emergence of socialist government and surrender on December 15. Efforts by the Germans to redirect manpower and take the offensive in the west failed and, on November 11, 1918 (at 11:00 am), faced with allied successes, massive disruption at home and the impending arrival of vast US manpower, Germany signed an Armistice, the last Central power to do so. Aftermath Each of the defeated nations signed a treaty with the Allies, most significantly the Treaty of Versailles which was signed with Germany, and which has been blamed for causing further disruption ever since. There was devastation across Europe: 59 million troops had been mobilized, over 8 million died and over 29 million were injured. Huge quantities of capital had been passed to the now emergent United States and the culture of every European nation was deeply affected and the struggle became known as The Great War or The War to End All Wars. Technical Innovation World War I was the first to make major use of machine guns, which soon showed their defensive qualities. It was also the first to see poison gas used on the battlefields, a weapon which both sides made use of, and the first to see tanks, which were initially developed by the allies and later used to great success. The use of aircraft evolved from simply reconnaissance to a whole new form of aerial warfare. Modern View Thanks partly to a generation of war poets who recorded the horrors of the war and a generation of historians who castigated the Allied high command for their decisions and ‘waste of life’ (Allied soldiers being the Lions led by Donkeys), the war was generally viewed as a pointless tragedy. However, later generations of historians have found mileage in revising this view. While the Donkeys have always been ripe for recalibration, and careers built on provocation have always found material (such as Niall Fergusons The Pity of War), the centenary commemorations found historiography split between a phalanx wishing to create a new martial pride and sideline the worst of the war to create an image of a conflict well worth fighting and then truly won by the allies, and those who wished to stress the alarming and pointless imperial game millions of people died for. The war remains highly controversial and as subject to attack and defense as the newspapers of the day.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Used To vs. Use To
Used To vs. Use To Used To vs. Use To Used To vs. Use To By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, Which is correct  He USED to go to the game on Friday. He USE to go to the game on Friday. When the statement is positive, as in the reader’s example, the expression is used to. In negative statements, the expression is use to. For example, â€Å"He didn’t use to go to the game on Friday.†The expressions are used to speak about things that were habitually done in the past. Both used and use are followed by an infinitive. For example: We used to play baseball every Saturday. I used to live in Cleveland. There used to be a house on that corner. The d is dropped when the sentence is negative: I didn’t use to worry about money. I didn’t use to celebrate Christmas. There didn’t use to be a gas station on that corner. Here are some current examples from the Web: Chris Pratt Used To Live In A Scooby Doo Van Pope Francis reveals he used to work as a bar bouncer He [Jon Stewart] didn’t use to care and his show was funnier. Actors didnt use to be celebrities. Women didnt use to talk politics in this country. I used to tell people wed sell everything but the kitchen sink. I used to love this view Positive sentence: used to. Negative sentence with didn’t: use to. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Spelling Test 134 Writing Tips That Will Make You a Better WriterThe Difference Between "Shade" and "Shadow"
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Silla Buddhism and Hwarang by Richard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Silla Buddhism and Hwarang by Richard - Essay Example Korea Kingdom recognized the instituted hwarang that embraced Sinitic Mahayana Buddhism as the state religion. There was massive changes in the kingdom in the 6th century where Sinitic-style kingship was embraced and formation of strong government (54). This has kicked out huge debate as to whether the Korean Kingdom was founded on the Sinitic Mahayana Buddhism dynasty or otherwise: the debate and research are still on.Richard argued added that Hwarang was got from information stored in Kim Pusik’s. The Confucian approach indicated that there was close relationship among theBuddhist monks and hwarang in the Silla kingdom. Buddhist monks comprised of Haedong kosung, chon and Samguk yusa who demonstrated a link between Buddhist beliefs and the hwarang practices. Hwarang is demostrated as sketchy, laconic and suggestive, it was considered to bear different differentiation. Scholars also found that it was likely that hwarang were modelled by King Chinhung. Buddhism religio n was significant to the hwarang (55). The author presents the fact that Hwarang offered wilderness training in miltary to the youths where they also leant their culture. We can therefore argue that the Hwarang was a very important tool that propagated the cultural practices throughout gernerations. They were interested in information regarding where they came from and the meaning of hwarang. Hwarang was understood as flower of youths even though many scholars do not agree.Hwarang is believed to originate from Samguk Sagi (56).
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Obesity and its causes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Obesity and its causes - Research Paper Example cause of obesity is the availability of a variety of consumer snack products in the country containing trans fats and other preservatives with high levels of saturated fat. In today’s difficult economy, the costs of healthier foods are increasing due to rising prices in the global food supply chain, therefore consumers turn toward unhealthier food options due to pricing. The high availability of these foods in this competitive marketplace where variety and option is tremendous along with a more attractive price tag can be attributed as a significant cause of obesity increases in society. Furthermore, the method by which food manufacturers market their products to youths is another reason for the growing trend of childhood obesity. Less health food options, such as those made by Cadbury or Nestle, two well-known global chocolatiers, often use innovative advertisements are part of marketing to appeal to the child’s lifestyle and personal values. Finding these promotional connections leads youths to sample high-fat or high-calorie foods due to brand image or how the product is presented using colorful or imaginative characters. This is a psychological contribution to the escalation of obesity and is a product of business marketing, an industry which is â€Å"being lambasted for its all-too efficient efforts in pushing less healthy snack foods to children†(Alistair, 24). Obesity is also caused by the rising instances of quick service or fast food restaurant concepts which provide high fat foods products to consumers in a hurry. In today’s global marketplace and consumerism economy, many households have both parents working in order to sustain quality of lifestyle. This changing trend toward the hassled lifestyle drives many parents toward this convenience, fast service menu. McDonald’s, under pressure by health advocates, became the first fast food restaurant to post nutritional information on their packaging (Grant, 9). This illustrates that the fast food
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Portfolio Models Essay Example for Free
Portfolio Models Essay The use of portfolio models in marketing has been gaining increasing use since 1960s. The portfolio models were developed with the aim of helping in the development of market share and growth. These models have been used as strategic thinking model in the making of business decision. These models include BCG, General electric/shell, Hofner-Schendel, Experience Curve and Porters Competitive models. Each model has been criticized on the capabilities and according to its scope on market share. These models have been found to lead to the wrong decision in investment and other business processes. The portfolio models assume a causal relationship between the market share and the profitability of a product in the market. The common scope of portfolio models is the way it tries to ignores some of the most relevant strategic issues in business. Therefore, all models cannot be taken as an effective strategic decision making model. It should however be discarded or it should be used with caution. This paper does not recommend the use of portfolio models and an alternative way should be sought to replace this. Introduction Portfolio models can be defined as a method or strategy in which a new product will be introduced in the market and perform as it was expected. In the 1960s, there was growing assertion of the use of portfolio models in marketing. There was growing interest on the development of market share and growth strategy which later came to be known as marketing portfolio. The BCG matrix, Hofner-Schendel, Experience Curve and Porters Competitive models and GE/S were meant to achieve the marketing needs especially when introducing new products in the market. They were meant to stimulate strategic thinking especially among the senior marketing executives in the turbulent business environment. However, there has been dysfunction of these models in the way they are taught and the way they are applied in the market. This study will look into the applicability of portfolio models in strategic decision making in marketing. The study will evaluate the view from a number of literature to understand whether the model can really be applied to the decision making process or not. This paper therefore evaluates the available literature which has given an insight into this model to understand how it can be applied in strategic marketing decision. There are other methods that were introduced to give a product a distinctive market share especially when it’s introduced. There are four commonly used methods to approach this matter, the Boston consulting group (BCG), the General electric/shell (GE/S), Hofner-Schendel, Experience Curve and Porters Competitive models. Therefore to give the clear meaning of the portfolio model, there is a need to understand how the portfolio models work. The first step to be taken when using the above models is to understand the different business/ marketing strategies of the company. Portfolio models in marketing decisions Portfolio models management generally defines the way business comes up with strategic decision to venture into the market. In this definition, the strategic marketing decision is a method by which marketing ideas are made and implemented in order for a product to have stronger grounds in the market. At any one time, company will be coming up with new product which will need to be introduced to the market in the most successful way. Portfolio models therefore provide the business with important tools for analyzing of the strategic decision to determine their effectiveness in the market (Abell and Hammond, 1979, p. 42). Purpose of portfolio models in strategic decision making in marketing There are mainly four main purpose of using the portfolio models in the strategic marketing decisions which are pursued in portfolio management and must be achieved through any model that is used. These goals include the maximization of portfolio, seeking of the right balance of the available projects, aligning of the portfolio strategically, and aligning the projects to the available resource (Ansoff, 1984, p. 12). Smith and Swinyard (1999, p. 2) also show that portfolio marketing models are important for an organization to assess the overall success of a new product in the market before a lot of money is used in the development of the product. They both call for the use of multiple marketing models in order to achieve the overall success of introducing new products in the market. This will reduce the failure rate of the products and extend their life cycle in the market. (Thomas, 2002, p. 61) The models can also be used as important tools to forecast the level of competition and therefore draw upon effective way of beating this competition. They help to forecast the performance of a product in the market so as to draw up strategies to effectively introduce it in the market. Edgett, Cooper, and Kleinschmidt (2002, p. 2) showed that in order to achieve full development of a new product in the market, there has to be effective portfolio management. There are different types of portfolio models that include the BCG, GE/S, Hofner-Schendel, Experience Curve and Porters Competitive models. In his review of the portfolio models, Day (1977, p. 32) showed that the use of bubble diagrams had been gaining increasing use in business. Day shows that these models resemble the portfolio models with stars, cash cows, dogs, and others. He showed that these models could be used successfully to forecast the market in the future. Day therefore asserted the role of matrix like Boston matrix in marketing. The Boston matrix could be used to show four quadrants as has been shown by Day and corresponding strategies which could be used in each quadrant. However Day criticizes the matrix on the sense that it is too narrow on its scope. He asserts that the BCG matrix has a narrow focus on the market share of the product. On the other hand Morrison and Wensley (1991, p. 106) provided an insight into the portfolio planning models as used in making business decision. They asserted that the use of BCG matrix in portfolio management is inhibited by difficulties in measurement of the rate of market growth and the relative market share of the product. This is due to a number of reasons. They gave the most prominent reason being the fact that market boundaries are often very difficult to fix which meant the different matrix methods will give different recommendations for a given situation. Therefore they argue that the common scope of BCG matrix in a way ignores some of the most relevant strategic issues in business. Though these other models are not as famous as BCG, Day still argues that use of them could also lead to success in the market. Day advocated and recommended the use of Porters competitiveness that he viewed to have higher possibilities of success than other models if its well implemented. It is commonly used in an already operating business with other products in the market. The experience curve can only be help to the company that has been in the market for sometime with a different product. The experience that the company has gained in the given period will determine the strength of the company in the market. This has been used by several companies like coca-cola in the introduction their mineral water. It would be hard for a company that has not been doing well in the market to succeed with the new product. They showed that Boston matrix was a technique for one season and not for all the season. This is because its popularity and use increased in the 1960s and 1970s and then plummeted due to the challenges faced in the market. They showed that the single chart could be successfully used to determine the growth potential and the competitive strength of a product in the market but this has rapidly changed with time. Armstrong and Brodie (1994, p. 38) evaluation on the applicability of the Boston matrix concluded that the use of the matrix to guide investors often would result to wrong decision through the use of BCG. General Electric and Shell, Porters competitive models are designed for long term use in the market, once the product has been introduced in the market, the models techniques still continues to support the product through the entire life in the market. Whichever model is used, it has to be used for entire life of the company because no other model will fit without altering the companies business especially when the company is introducing new product in the market. Although they based their study on a small number of graduates in a class, they gave a further warning against the use of the matrix in a simple mind. Armstrong and Brodie (1994, p. 3) carried out a study on the effect of the portfolio planning methods on the overall decision making process. Their study pointed out the weakness in the use of BCG matrix in making strategic decision in an organization. Their study revealed that the use of BCG matrix in making investment decisions was highly likely to lead to unprofitable investment while Robert and Merton (1989, p. 210) advocates that the implementation of other models instead of matrix were intended for lifetime decision making. If not well implemented, there is a probability of causing life time losses and would be hard to recover unless the product is withdrawn from the market. Each model has some weaknesses bas they are exposed out in the way models assume a casual relationship between the market share and the profitability of a product in the market. Morison and Wesley (1991, p. 26) also pointed out lack of consistency in the use of the portfolio models in determining market growth and profits. These studies give varied views on the use of Boston matrix, GE/S, Hofner-Schendel, Experience Curve and Porters Competitive models in making marketing decision. They all seem to point out on the weaknesses of these models in light of their theory and application. There are other ways a business can prosper other than using portfolio models. The strategies used in introducing the product in the market is all that matters, portfolios are just to give the business a rough idea on how to approach the marketing matter but not to give a conclusive tread which the business should follow. Conclusion Portfolio models are applied in portfolio management. They are applied in management to make strategic marketing decision. Though they had gained increasing use in different times, they have some weaknesses that are fatal to the welfare of the business in future. On the other hand they may give a rough idea on how to approach the market issues and on how to introduce the new product in the market. In all portfolios, not is able to predict the growth and the profit margins or losses on the other hand for the product, thus making them less important tool for the marketing. However the use of models should be discarded and there be implemented new strategies that would be able to address the issues of the business on long term and in both growth and revenues that are likely to be gained by the introduced product. Recommendations: The use of portfolio models is not recommended and if they have to be used, they must be implemented with great caution. None of all models has proofed an effective strategic decision making in regard to the marketing issues. It should however be discarded or it should be used with caution. This paper does not recommend the use of portfolio models and an alternative way should be sought to replace this.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
LICORICE :: essays research papers
LICORICE There are several varieties of the herb, Licorice. Its name is derived from the two Greek words meaning ‘sweet’ and ‘root’. It is one of the oldest and best-known remedies for coughs and chest complaints. The knowledge and use of it dates back to the time of the early days of Egyptian civilisation. The Hindus, Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, and Chinese all knew about the values of Licorice. It is an enduring herb, which grows in most moderate countries. It varies from about two to five feet high, with long, smooth green leaves and yellowish white or purplish flowers. The root is light brown with a very sweet taste; fifty times the sweetness of cane sugar. It is an ointment, a cough mixture, and a laxative. Its roots penetrate deeply into the ground and contain an abundance of valuable properties. It is indigenous of Greece, Asia Minor, Spain, Southern Italy, Syria, Iraq, Caucasian and Transcaspian Russia, Northern China, Persia and North Africa. Tons of Licorice are used by all countries today for foods, medicines, beverages, and many confections, etc. The United States imports about fifty million pounds of Licorice root and about half that amount of liquid extract yearly. The root comes mainly from Iraq, Turkey, Russia, Syria, Italy, and British East Africa. The liquid extract is imported mostly from Spain. Some of the Licorice extract entering the United States is used by the drug industries and made into various medications because of its demulcent and expectorant properties. The root, which is made into a powder, is often used in the preparation of pills. The extract has almost the powder as a remedial agent. Much of the Licorice supply is used by the tobacco industry as a conditioning and flavouring agent. It is also used by the confectionery industry as a base for a wide variety of candies. The residual material after extraction is used as a stabiliser in the production of foam fire extinguishers and as a fertiliser for mushrooms. The Chinese herbalists regard Licorice as a healing agent either by itself or as an ingredient in various herbal formulas. It is also used to flavour beer or ale, ice creams, and as Licorice water, which is a blood purifier. Licorice water was a popular drink in Egypt during the ancient days. The youthful Pharaoh Tutankhamen was buried with a supply of Licorice root to help him on his last long journey. It was a very therapeutic sweet drink for all the natives of those times. LICORICE :: essays research papers LICORICE There are several varieties of the herb, Licorice. Its name is derived from the two Greek words meaning ‘sweet’ and ‘root’. It is one of the oldest and best-known remedies for coughs and chest complaints. The knowledge and use of it dates back to the time of the early days of Egyptian civilisation. The Hindus, Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, and Chinese all knew about the values of Licorice. It is an enduring herb, which grows in most moderate countries. It varies from about two to five feet high, with long, smooth green leaves and yellowish white or purplish flowers. The root is light brown with a very sweet taste; fifty times the sweetness of cane sugar. It is an ointment, a cough mixture, and a laxative. Its roots penetrate deeply into the ground and contain an abundance of valuable properties. It is indigenous of Greece, Asia Minor, Spain, Southern Italy, Syria, Iraq, Caucasian and Transcaspian Russia, Northern China, Persia and North Africa. Tons of Licorice are used by all countries today for foods, medicines, beverages, and many confections, etc. The United States imports about fifty million pounds of Licorice root and about half that amount of liquid extract yearly. The root comes mainly from Iraq, Turkey, Russia, Syria, Italy, and British East Africa. The liquid extract is imported mostly from Spain. Some of the Licorice extract entering the United States is used by the drug industries and made into various medications because of its demulcent and expectorant properties. The root, which is made into a powder, is often used in the preparation of pills. The extract has almost the powder as a remedial agent. Much of the Licorice supply is used by the tobacco industry as a conditioning and flavouring agent. It is also used by the confectionery industry as a base for a wide variety of candies. The residual material after extraction is used as a stabiliser in the production of foam fire extinguishers and as a fertiliser for mushrooms. The Chinese herbalists regard Licorice as a healing agent either by itself or as an ingredient in various herbal formulas. It is also used to flavour beer or ale, ice creams, and as Licorice water, which is a blood purifier. Licorice water was a popular drink in Egypt during the ancient days. The youthful Pharaoh Tutankhamen was buried with a supply of Licorice root to help him on his last long journey. It was a very therapeutic sweet drink for all the natives of those times.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Forgiveness Therapy on Depression, Anxiety and Posttraumatic
Gayle and Robert (2006) explain the different studies on the effect of forgiveness therapy. The article discuses about 35% of women are facing emotional abuse from a spouse or romantic partner. â€Å"Women often demonstrate negative psychological outcomes long after this abuse. †(O’Leary, 1999).Follingstad, Rutledge, Berg, Hause, and Polek (1990) and Sackett and Sanders (1999) have stated some of the categories that took effect after one’s been abuse psychological thru critizing, ridiculing, jealous control, purposeful ignoring, threats of abandonment, threats of harm and damage to personal property which causes and have strong negative impact of emotional abuse than physical abuse.Enright and Reed has underlined the consequences of those psychological problems which are depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder, low self-esteem, learned helplessness, and an ongoing debilitating resentment of the abuser. The treatment uses to heal those women is â⠂¬ËœForgiveness Therapy’which uses as a problem solving respond to severe wrong doing. FT also found out these psychological emotional abuse can affect those women decision making. There are two unique challenges for recovery that Sackett & Saunders, 1999 have found.First â€Å"Learned Helpness†which defines that those women turn out to blame themselves for the abuse relationship. And â€Å"Accusatory Suffering†(Seagult & Seagult 1991) entails maintaining resentment and victim stauts. â€Å" the assumption in accusatory suffering is that healing the wounds of the abuse will somehow let the penetrator off the hook. †FT also focusing on decreasing and helping the resentful feeling toward the abusing partner and assist them to recover and develop good will.The study used 20 participant abused women who has been abused and has been divorced or permantly separate with their partner for a more or at least 2 years. Among those participants are different races , ethnicity that has some or college degrees with no or full time career jobs. Participants have been tested by using the screening checklist by using the Psychological abuse survey, the Enright forgiveness inventory, Coopersmith self-esteem inventory, State-Trait Inventory, Beck Depression inventory, Environmental Mastery Scale Reed instrument, the PTSS checklists, and Story measure.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Alcoholics Anonymous †Essay Essay
Alcoholics Anonymous came to be in Akron Ohio in 1935 It was formed by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob out of a desperation to stay sober and not quite knowing how to do so. Bill W. had the idea that maybe one drunk trying to help another stay sober might be the key. Originally Bill W. tried to get sober by attending a religious group, the Oxford Group, and his evolved into AA as we know it today. Bill W. had managed to put together six months of sobriety when he was out of town and was in a situation where he felt like he needed to drink. Instead of taking that first drink he reached out, trying to stay sober. He thought maybe if he helped another drunk, he would feel better and he did. This premise is still keeping drunks sober today. In the early days Dr Bob abd Bill W. would make their rounds to the hospitals trying to help others get sober. The original Big Book or book of AA was based on the fact that one-hundred people had managed to get sober at the time that book was written. Today there are thousands upon thousands of people who are recovering, not only from alcohol but many different kinds of addictions. One of the things that remains true are the original twelve steps of recovery. It is the telling of how the original pioneers got sob er and stayed sober. After all these years the program remains strong and is the spring-board for self-help groups. The twelve steps are the program of recovery and it is essential that people who want to recover and keep their disease in remission they should work the steps to the best of their ability. Many people don’t get past step 1; people falter on the steps based on what they believe at that particular moment. Many people can’t or won’t believe in something other than themselves, so step three is out-turning their lives over. Step four is a huge stumbling block, and then having to talk to someone else about what they did wrong is huge. My point is, is that is not easy. Recovery is not easy, the drinking and using part was the easier softer way. For people that would like a better life and would like to learn to live life sober, they must practice the principles of AA, it really is life and death. Many people die every day from this disease. It is my opinion that society has a responsibility to educate our children in that this is a horrific disease and anyone can become afflicted. The stigma associated with this must be eradicated in favor of a medical view that treats it as what it is; a bio-psycho-social disease.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Free Online Research Papers Nowadays almost everyone in the world has contact with computers and the great majority of them have been using the Internet. This essay will look at the advantages and disadvantages of Internet. First of all, Internet provides access to a lot of useful information. Searching the Internet with search tools, such as Google, we can find almost everything we want. We can also do shopping using the Internet. We only need to select what we want, fill in some forms and click okay. In a few days we will get what we have ordered at our homes, without going anywhere. We can pay with our credit cards or pay the postman when we get the package, or transfer money from our bank account. Nowadays, we can transfer money from almost every bank on the Internet. It is faster than going to the bank and filling forms. Transferring money in traditional way takes about a day. However, using the Internet we can do this in few seconds even in Saturday and Sunday evenings. In addition, Internet banking gives us security against unauthorized transactions. Some people think that their money can be easily stolen by hackers. In fact, it is not true since the easiest way to steal our money from internet b ank is to break into our house and steal our bank card passwords. Internet banking has great protections which are unbreakable. Secondly, we can send email through the Internet. Emails can reach their destinations within a few seconds. It is very convenient when we want to send a letter to our friends who live in other countries. You can email whatever you want, such as movies, photos and songs etc. Besides, the costs of sending Emails are much cheaper than sending normal letters. Thirdly, the Internet provides the facility to get online education. Many websites of different universities provide lectures and tutorials on different subjects or topics. You can also download these lectures or tutorials into your own computer. You can listen to these lectures repeatedly and get a lot of knowledge. It is very cheap and easy way to get education. However, despite these advantages there are two disadvantages of the Internet. Firstly, today, the Internet is the most popular source of spreading viruses. Most of the viruses transfer from one computer to another through e-mail or when information is downloaded on the Internet. These viruses create different problems in our computers. For example, they can affect the performance of our computers and damage valuable data and software stored in our computers. Secondly, pornography is a very serious issue concerning the Internet, especially when it comes to young children. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found and can be a dangerous factor to letting children use the Internet. To sum up, the Internet changed our life in a positive way and made our life more convenient than before. Therefore the advantages of the Internet outweigh the disadvantages. Research Papers on The Advantages and Disadvantages of InternetThe Project Managment Office SystemAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalPETSTEL analysis of IndiaOpen Architechture a white paperThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andStandardized TestingBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfGenetic Engineering
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Develop Editorial Values with Help Scouts Greg Ciotti [PODCAST]
How to Develop Editorial Values with Help Scouts Greg Ciotti [PODCAST] Publishing great content that makes your clients successful is the real challenge of marketing. Having editorial values that help your team stay on the same page while creating customer-focused content is the key to success. Today’s guest, Gregory Ciotti, content marketing manager of Help Scout, can help your team create your own set of editorial values and find the connection between content marketing and customer success. Learn how to make your customers more successful, which, in turn, contributes to your success! Some of today’s highlights include: The lowdown on Help Scout: What it is, what they’ve been doing, and Gregory’s role as content marketing manager at the organization. How Gregory defines great content: something that solves a problem, something that contributes to business goals, and content that serves as a positive representation of the company. The elements of Gregory’s editorial values, including strategy, tactics, and examples. Gregory suggests some objectives to consider when creating content. What Gregory means by â€Å"vivid writing.†Being clear and imaginative is a challenge, but necessary to make you and your customers successful. How to use content to provide context between prospective customers and your product or service. Methods for gathering customer feedback to help you better understand what to cover in your content. Powered by PodcastMotor Actionable Content Marketing powered by By 00:00/00:00 1x 100 > Download file Subscribe on iTunes Leave Review Share
Sunday, November 3, 2019
In what ways is it evident that paine and publius were influenced by Essay
In what ways is it evident that paine and publius were influenced by montesquieu and locke - Essay Example Thomas Paine was an English-American political writer who lived between (1737–1809).among his most remarkable publications, Common Sense (1776); Paine argued that the British colonies in America should revolt against the Crown. Paine’s work had great influence on the public during the American Revolution. Thomas Paine and Publius contributed greatly to the revolution of Americans and the world at large. Paine and Publius through their writings among them â€Å"common sense†greatly altered the character and destiny of America and World History (Loughran, 74). Thomas Paine’s ideologies and efforts inspired and brought together the American Revolution. Paine and publius provided the colonists with the fuel to charge their rebellion. Paine’s phrases chorused through colonies and united Americans in a common goal. His oratorical skills and the power of his pen imparted the courage and ideals needed for the founding of a new nation. In his efforts to bring together and direct the colonists, Paine created the phrases – The United State of America, which may have been one of his greatest phrases. The American idea of equality, freedom and human rights that came from Paine’s and Publius’s mind and the philosophies of their predecessors Locke and Montesquieu set the 18th century world on fire. They gave Americans and Europeans the sense, inspiration, and courage to reject outdated social and political structures of the past centuries and the confidence to create new ones that would ensure a better future for humans. People were looking forward to a social order where they could achieve their human potential. Democracy would enable them reach these aspirations they had been holding on to for ages. Paine and Publius changed the format and meaning of Locke’s and Montesquieu’s book of thought. Through this they enhanced the citizens
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