Saturday, May 23, 2020
Prosauropods - The Ancient Cousins of the Sauropods
If theres one rule of evolution, its that all mighty creatures have smaller, less overwhelming ancestors lurking somewhere back in their family trees--and nowhere is this rule more evident than in the relationship between the giant sauropods of the late Jurassic period and the smaller prosauropods that preceded them by tens of millions of years. Prosauropods (Greek for before the sauropods) werent simply scaled-down versions of Brachiosaurus or Apatosaurus; many of them walked on two legs, and theres some evidence that they may have pursued an omnivorous, rather than strictly herbivorous, diet. (See a gallery of prosauropod dinosaur pictures and profiles.) You might assume from their name that prosauropods eventually evolved into sauropods; this was once thought to be the case, but paleontologists now believe that most prosauropods were actually second cousins, once removed, of the sauropods (not a technical description, but you get the idea!) Rather, it appears that prosauropods evolved in parallel with the true ancestors of sauropods, which have yet to be definitively identified (though there are a number of likely candidates). Prosauropod Physiology and Evolution One of the reason prosauropods are fairly obscure--at least compared to raptors, tyrannosaurs and sauropods--is that they didnt look all that distinctive, by dinosaur standards. As a general rule, prosauropods had long (but not very long) necks, long (but not very long) tails, and only attained median sizes of between 20 and 30 feet and a few tons, max (with the exception of odd genera like the giant Melanorosaurus). Like their distant cousins, the hadrosaurs, most prosauropods were capable of walking on two or four feet, and reconstructions tend to show them in a relatively clumsy, ungainly posture. The prosauropod family tree stretches back to the late Triassic period, about 220 million years ago, when the first dinosaurs were just beginning to establish their worldwide dominance. The earliest genera, like Efraasia and Camelotia, are wrapped in mystery, since their plain vanilla appearance and anatomy meant their ancestors could have evolved in any number of directions. Another early genus was the 20-pound Technosaurus, named after Texas Tech University, which many experts believe to have been an archosaur rather than a true dinosaur, much less a prosauropod. Other early prosauropods, like Plateosaurus and Sellosaurus (which may have been the same dinosaur), are much better established on the dinosaur evolutionary tree thanks to their numerous fossil remains; in fact, Plateosaurus appears to have been one of the most common dinosaurs of late Triassic Europe, and may have roamed the grasslands in giant herds like modern bison. A third famous prosauropod of this period was the hundred-pound Thecodontosaurus, which was named for its distinctive, monitor-lizard-type teeth. Massospondylus is the best-known of the early Jurassic prosauropods; this dinosaur did in fact look like a scaled-down sauropod, but it probably ran on two legs rather than four! What Did Prosauropods Eat? Over and above their evolutionary relationship (or lack of relationship) to the giant sauropods, the most controversial aspect of prosauropods concerns what they ate for lunch and dinner. Based on an analysis of the teeth and relatively lightweight skulls of certain prosauropod genera, some paleontologists have concluded that these dinosaurs werent very well equipped for digesting the tough vegetable matter of the late Triassic period, though there are no direct proof that they ate meat (in the form of fish, insects or smaller dinosaurs). On the whole, the preponderance of the evidence is that prosauropods were strictly herbivorous, though that what if still lingers in the minds of some experts.
Monday, May 18, 2020
How Art Is Art - 1457 Words
When you look upon my walls, you are sure to find art. When you walk down the street, you are sure to find art. Everywhere you look and everywhere you go there is art, but art is more than pictures hanging upon a wall and is more than the paintings that painter John Berger references in his essay â€Å"Ways of Seeing†. Art is not one definable thing, but is of many origins and form. Paintings are art, poetry is art, music is art and so much more. There is simply no way to avoid it. Art has an impact on all of us whether we admit it or not, whether it be posters hanging on our walls or music playing in the background. However, in most of our lives, the art we see and experience is merely a reproduction of an original. Most Americans are part of the middle class and thus cannot afford original pieces of artwork, or afford to witness everything live on a normal basis. Without reproductions many of us would not experience what we know as art, as the original is often out of reach and thus reproductions were born to fill that gap. Reproductions of art provide opportunities and the chance to experience in some way the art that is created, and yet they lack the full intensity of the experience and the value that comes with the original or first-hand experience. A comparison between original artwork and a reproduction is the music industry. Millions of reproductions are downloaded onto personal devices every day, and yet we don’t truly experience the music unless we see it first-handShow MoreRelatedHow Roman Art Became Christian Art881 Words  | 4 PagesAfter Constantine declared Christianity as an official religion, everything changed. In this essay I aim to discuss how Roman art became Christian Art. In other words, I will explain how Romans used their art and style as a formula to create art based on Christianity principals. This essay starts with the use of Roman architecture to practice Christianity. Then I will write about how the image of the Roman emperors became the inspiration for the image of the Jesus. Finally I will discuss the way RomansRead MoreThe Arts And How It Is Beneficial1624 Words  | 7 PagesThe Arts and How It Is Beneficial Over the years, numerous studies and surveys have been conducted about the arts and if and how they are valuable. An overwhelming approval for the arts were shown in nearly all forms of studying the benefits of the arts. Online articles and other media are just a few samples of these studies. Among these articles, states how The arts are essential for the developing brain, for applying and learning skills, for maintaining positive mental health, and for buildingRead MoreHow Art Is Art As An Individual s Recreation Of Nature1429 Words  | 6 PagesSomeone once asked me what is art? Art is an individual’s recreation of nature. It is an expression, something that is meant to be seen and ultimately shared. Moreover, it is an artist’s way of interacting with the world and their perception of the world at a particular time and at a particular place. In other words, artists draw upon their experiences to make sense of the world. This is a point that I would like to build u pon. Looking closely at John Koch’s painting Interlude (1963), I see an artistRead MoreHow can Art be Defined1086 Words  | 5 PagesThe search for a definition of Art has been subject of a complex philosophical reflection incorporated; however, within different thematics because the very idea of Art is changeable as it relies on the culture and the tradition of a particular epoch. Etymologically, the word Aesthetics derives from the Greek à isthesis, which means perception by the senses. It used to refer as the study of the world of perceptions as the doctrine aimed to discover the complexity of perceptive knowledge. In ancientRead MoreHow Context Affects Art1074 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"How Context Affects Art†If someone is to understand or analyze something in â€Å"historical context, he or she needs the knowledge about the historical circumstances in which it had influence on the work’s themes, techniques, messages, etc. Without understanding the context of the era, a full understanding of the work will be impossible. A work of art can be analyzed within its historical contexts, such as historical circumstances, and contemporary art developments and trends. Most artists and theirRead MoreHow Art Follow One Of The Five Formal Elements Of Art1556 Words  | 7 PagesAll aspects of art follow one of the five formal elements of art. The elements are line, shape, texture, color, and balance. Some elements are subdued, but some paintings have elements that are very obvious. With the artists use of these elements he states what his style is, as well as, the use of medium, and color that directs the viewer’s eye to a specific area of the painting. I will choose paintings to show these elements, how they are used, and what idea the artist is trying to show, andRead MoreHow Art Improves Our Lives831 Words  | 4 PagesArt is a deliberate recreation of a new and special reality that grows from one’s response to life. It improves our existence by enhancing, changing and perpetuating our cultural composition. â€Å"The great artist knows how to impose their particular illusion on the rest of mankind,†proclaimed Guy de Mauspassant. Art improves our lives by directly and indirectly lift the morale of individuals, creating unity and social solidarity. Art creates awareness of social issues. Art may express and reflect theRead MoreHow Has Art Affected Islam?1325 Words  | 6 PagesHow has art affected Islam? Section A: Rational and Preliminary Research Growing up in a Muslim family I was always been told that there are no drawings or paintings of Prophet Muhammed (s.a.v) and not because it was a sin to have one, but that the Prophet (s.a.v) himself told his followers that the only one that should be worshiped was God alone and a drawing or painting of him would get in the way of that sole connection with God. Instead, I have seen very elaborate calligraphy in many mosquesRead MoreHow Can Sell Your Art?1036 Words  | 5 PagesHow to Sell Your Art Online - Key To Success Have you ever heard the famous quote? Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he will eat for lifetime. And that is exactly what I am going to talk about in this post. In this post I would teach you how to reap money from selling your art piece to the international market. Internet is the best way to market your stuffs as it has global presence. Even it is increasing to the remote areas of the world. Bingo you have the optionRead MoreHow Humanism Affected Art in the Renaissance764 Words  | 3 PagesHumanism affected the art of the Renaissance because of how Renaissance artists became increasingly interested with humanist concepts, and because of how they tried to incorporate humanist beliefs into their art. Artists conveyed their humanist beliefs by using new techniques such as perspective, and by painting more realistic figures. In addition, humanism encouraged artists to paint using new secular themes that were rediscovered along with classical art and texts. The artists of the Italian Renaissance
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Definition and Examples of Back Slang
Back slang is a form of slang in which words are spoken and/or spelled backward. According to lexicographer Eric Partridge, back slang was popular with the costermongers (street-vendors) in Victorian London. The hallmark of their speech, Partridge said, is the frequency with which they turn words (normal or slangy) into back-slang . . .. The general rule is to spell a word backwards, and then, ideally, to employ the pronunciation approaching the closest to that often impossible arrangement of letters (Slang Today and Yesterday, 1960). The costermongers themselves referred to back slang as kacab genals.Like rhyming slang, back slang started out as subterfuge, says MIchael Adams, but soon became language games you could play for fun (Slang: The Peoples Poetry, 2009). Examples and Observations If you really want to speak freely around those who shouldnt know your secrets, learn how to form back slang or center slang. When you are next in your local, order a top o reeb instead of pot of beer, but hope that the bartender understands the slang, or you may be eighty-sixed for the whole kew week. Dont blame the bartender, though, who may not be the right nosper person for the bloomin emag bloomin game.(Michael Adams, Slang: The Peoples Poetry. Oxford University Press, 2009) Arbitrary Spelling Conventions Back slang is a language constructed on linesâ€â€I venture to hint illogical linesâ€â€of its own. The initial idea is that all words are to be pronounced backwards; for instance, instead of saying no you say on, for bad man you say dab nam. But you have not proceeded far before you find that the initial idea breaks down. Penny, reversed, would be ynnep, the back slangster says yennup. Evig em a yennup, is his version of Give me a penny. . . . It would be impossible for an English tongue to pronounce many of our words backwards. How would you pronounce night or drink backwards, leaving the spelling as it is? not to speak of more difficult examples. The result is that the back slangster adopts not only an arbitrary spelling, but also an arbitrary pronunciation of his own. (Slang. All the Year Round: A Weekly Journal Conducted by Charles Dickens, November 25, 1893) The Language of Tradesmen and ChildrenBack-slang proper, sometimes employed by barrow-boys and hawkers, and indigenous to certain trades such as the greengrocers and the butchers, where it is spoken to ensure that the customer shall not understand what is being said (Evig reh emos delo garcs dene--Give her some old scrag end) consists simply of saying each word backwards, and when this is impossible saying the name of the letter instead of its sound, usually the first or the last letter, thus: Uoy nac ees reh screckin ginwosh (You can see her knickers showing). An Enfield master reports that he found at least half a dozen boys who could talk it quickly.(Iona and Peter Opie, The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren. Oxford University Press, 1959) Secret Languages Secret languages . . . have an obvious appeal for those who have something to hide. One language used by African slaves, called TUT, was based on phonetics, and used to help teach children to read. Victorian market traders, meanwhile, are thought to have dreamed up back slangâ€â€in which a word is spoken backwards, giving us yob for boy--in order to single out customers on whom to palm off shoddy goods. (Laura Barnett, Why We All Need Our Own Secret Slang. The Guardian [UK], June 9, 2009) A 19th-Century Report on Back Slang This back language, back slang, or kacab genals, as it is called by the costermongers themselves, is supposed to be regarded by the rising generation of street-sellers as a distinct and regular mode of intercommunication. People who hear this slang for the first time never refer words, by inverting them, to their originals; and the yanneps, esclops, and nammows, are looked upon as secret terms. Those who practice the slang soon obtain a considerable stock vocabulary, so that they converse rather from the memory than the understanding. Amongst the senior costermongers, and those who pride themselves on their proficiency in back slang, a conversation is often sustained for a whole eveningâ€â€that is, the chief words are in the back slangâ€â€especially if any flats are present whom they wish to astonish or confuse. . . The back slang has been in vogue for many years. It is . . . very easily acquired, and is principally used by the costermongers and others who practice it . . . for communicating the secrets of their street tradings, the cost of and profit on goods, and for keeping their natural enemies, the police, in the dark.(The Slang Dictionary: Etymological, Historical, and Anecdotal, rev. ed., 1874)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Should High School Students Be Allowed Cell Phones School
Should High School Students Be Allowed to Bring Cell Phones to School? By Ronnie Phillips | Submitted On July 07, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook 1 Share this article on Twitter 1 Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest 1 Expert Author Ronnie Phillips Educating young people today is a full time job for all schools in American. Many of our students come to school not prepared to learn. They are in need of extra motivation to get them on the right track. Schools are taking on more and more challenges as they educate our children. The lack of positive support from parents is also at an all time high. To make matters worse, schools have no input on policies that directly affect their job. One of the policies that has a tremendous impact on education involves allowing students to bring cell phones to school. This article will attempt to explain how cell phones are a distraction to the educational environment. Our country is experiencing a breakdown in our K - 12 educational systems. The dropout rate is higher than ever before. When you compare our educational system with those of other countries, we are not in the top twenty. What has happened to our system? There are many reasons for our decline, but this article will deal with one. PoliticiansShow MoreRelatedCell Phones Should Be Allowed in School802 Words  | 4 Pagesanother. You discover that you do not have a cell phone or any device to contact your parents. There won’t be any chance that you and your parents could contact each other. What would you do? How would you feel? It seems to me that if cell phones were allowed in schools, students could contact their parents easier and people could stay in touch. Therefore, cell phones should be allowed to be used in schools. For one, cell phones could provide students with academic help. According to Apple, aboutRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effect On Our Human Interaction1204 Words  | 5 Pageslive off of cell phones, it is considered a necessity of life. By 2015, it is estimated that Americans will consume both traditional and digital media for over 1.7 trillion hours, an average of approximately 15 and a half hours per person per day (Short). Is it good or bad for schools to allow students to have cell phones? The latest Teens and Technology 2013 study, from Pew Research, found that 78 percent of teens aged 12 – 17 own a cell phone (Haselton). However, a Worcester School committee memberRead MoreImportance Of Cell Phones In School809 Words  | 4 Pagesin class with a cell phone going off? Nothing is worse than a phone interrupting you during class. Some schools try to prevent this. For example, at George Washington Middle School, students have to have their phones turned off and in th eir lockers. Although many people believe phones should be in schools for resources, phones shouldn’t be allowed because theyre distracting. they can hurt your education, and they can cause cyberbullying. Phones should not be allowed in school because they areRead MoreLimited Use of Cell Phones1453 Words  | 6 PagesArgumentative essay  Mobile cell phones should be limited in certain schools Mobile phones can be an issue in certain schools. Mobile phones should be banned in elementary and middle schools. However, phones during class in high school and college should be up to the teacher, whether or not to have them. As youths get older, they become more responsible on how they use their phones. Elementary schools shouldn’t have phones period. The kids shouldn’t have a phone that young. They don’t need it for many reasonsRead MoreCell Phones Should Not Be Banned910 Words  | 4 PagesCell Phones Should be Allowed in School Seventy eight percent of 12-17 years old have cell phones as of a survey taken in 2013. Cell phones have boomed and its time to let them shine. Cell phones becoming a major part of peoples life’s. Cell phones are welcomed every where this days. There allowed in restaurants and hospitals, but one place they are not welcome are schools. Cell phones should allowed in schools. Cell phones are used by around third of the population. With teenagers being a very bigRead MoreUse Of Cellphones On School Activities Essay1516 Words  | 7 Pagescellphones in school has brought up debates all over the world. While some believe they are an advantage, others believe that they are a hindrance to the learning process. Despite the fact that smartphones can be used for important school activity such as research and time- management, they are also one of the main sources of classroom distractions. As a current student, I can attest to the fact that students often play games or text friends instead of listening to what is being taught. Students often argueRead MoreImpact Of Technology On Our Daily Life1259 Words  | 6 Pagesonly for texting and calling. They are high-tech devices that can access the internet, emails, and social media. However, arguments on whether these functions are necessary for students in high school are beginning to surface. Despite the fact that phones can be utilized educationally and serve as a learning too, this same technology can also be utilized negatively at the wrong time. In agreement with many teachers, â€Å"a fair amount of teachers say cell phones have officially replaced chewing gum asRead MoreShould Cell Phones Be Banned?979 Words  | 4 PagesCellphones in class By: Easton Stackis Have you ever wanted to use cellphones in school? Cell phones have many benefits and positive uses that help students during school a lot. Although cell phones can be distracting they should be allowed in school in case of an emergency, to teach responsibility, and to help in school like homework and research. Cell phones are very helpful in emergencies. With cell phones, parents know if their children alright in an emergency. Which takes a lot of stressRead MoreSmart Phones And Class Rooms1464 Words  | 6 PagesSmart Phones in Class Rooms One of the worst massacre murders to ever occur in an American High School building was the 1999 shooting rampage at Columbine High school in Littleton Colorado. There were 12 students and one teacher who lost their lives because of this incident. Some schools across the country made new policies to allow students to carry cell phones as a means to feel safe. After this incident however, there were schools that continue to ban them. Those schools that don’t allow cell phonesRead MoreCell Phones in School1140 Words  | 5 Pagesever heard of the gruesome Columbine High School massacre? This incident occurred on April 20th 1999 and involved two students embarking on a shooting rampage, killing twelve students, a teacher and wounding twenty three others. Unfortunately during this incident, the school s most easily accessible phone was on the complete other side of the school in the library. Perhaps some of these lives could have been saved if the students in this class had cel l phones that they could ve used to contact the
What Makes A Leader Free Essays
What Makes a Leader In this article we explore what makes a great leader and what groups and levels of skills are needed to be a great leader. Daniel Coleman writes about Emotional Intelligence, how It Is evaluated, and the Importance of Emotional Intelligence for effectiveness of an affective leader. Everyone is born with certain levels of skills that can be strengthened with persistence, practice and feedback from colleagues and coaches. We will write a custom essay sample on What Makes A Leader or any similar topic only for you Order Now Mr.. Coleman preformed over the course of an entire year focusing on how emotional Intelligences operates In the workplace. They examined the relationship teen both effective performance and emotional intelligence especially in leadership roles. The 5 groups of skills are listed as follows: self-awareness, self- regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills, which I will be discussing. Companies hire trained psychologists to develop â€Å"competency models†to aid in identifying, training, and promoting of individuals with these groups of skills. These individuals are those who can recognize their strengths, weaknesses, drives, values and impact on others who know that one needs to control or redirect disruptive Impulses and moods to be an effective leader. Having relishing achievement for own sake and are considerate to other peoples emotional make up by using the rapport built with others to move them in the desired direction. Daniel Coleman distinguishes what makes a great leader from the average one. The five in one secret to success allows you to maximize your leadership skills. Emotional Intelligence benefits you at every level of business giving you the necessary tools most Important to building the right foundation to a solid future and taking the right direction to ensuring a success in your business venture. Take advantage and use your emotional Intelligence to show how capable and effective you can truly be. Self-awareness in the aspect of big business allocates one resources, strong and weak to use to best impact the goals set forward. People with high self-awareness recognize how their feelings affect them, others, and Job performance. Having high self-awareness allows one to make critical decisions that need to be made in order for deadlines to be met and to save future conflict that could have been avoided. Knowing the time and place for things is a good example of having good self- wariness, without it you could potentially ruin a first impression and hinder Impending possible business endeavors. To enhance emotional intelligence companies are altering their training to include the limbic system. This allows for people to break old behavioral habits and establish new ones. It is key to focus that ones emotional intelligence can only come from sincere desire and resolute effort. Once your self-awareness is up to par you will be able to see your Impact on others and see how malleable the people around you really are. Your self-confidence gives o a desire for constructive criticism to better yourself day by day. 1 OFF redirect any disruptive emotions or any impulses that could spawn from a heated altercation with a fellow employee. Biological impulses guide our everyday emotions, we can never get rid of them, but we can control them. This allows one to pick and choose their words carefully not being tempted to kick the chair or flip the desk. People who can control their emotions are often seen as stiff and dispassionate. With self-regulation, patience is vital and will prove faithful when it comes to your integrity and trustworthiness. With time, you become and grow more comfortable with ambiguity and change thus having a stronger grasp on your emotional intelligence. When looking at the aspect of leadership, one with a good head on their shoulders not eager to Jump to make irrational decisions before first going through all of the possible solutions to the problem. This ensures that the best potential outcome will be explored and evaluated to best serve its purpose helping business run as it should and keeping employees content with the workplace. Motivation or inspirational words are that should be followed with ambitious work. When being driven to achieve for only the sake of achievement and accomplishing the task at hand is the only thing on your mind. Taking the passion for the quality and the challenges that come with completing any new task. Being the most optimistic when staring down at a ticking time bomb knowing exactly what must be done and with tender touch in some cases that create the most success. The passion that you hold for the very things you do on a daily basis, anywhere from work itself or for any new challenges that spark your interest. This challenge gives you unflagging energy to improve on your current status in every aspect of life. Optimism will bring you far in life with the regards to having patience for the right thing to take its place and take us to where we need to be. Stressing over every little thing will only slow you down and make you look like less of a professional. Instead of blaming countless other individuals, taking accountability for your actions and stepping up to learn from this experience and apply it to the work place can cause engineer a turn-around. Empathy or ability to consider others feelings when making a decision in the work lace can save you a lot of time and stress from you saying or doing something without fully thinking it through and it turns out if you would of Just thought that through and been a little less selfish you could of seen the bigger picture. With this trait not only will you be improving your work portfolio so you will be developing the ability to develop others by attracting talent by the expertise that you need for a competitive firm. When in the workplace, one doesn’t have two many second chances or second first impressions’. Understanding proper etiquette and the ability to be insensitive to cross-cultural differences could make or break a clients approval. It is very important to make sure you know every subtle detail about your client to avoid risking potential failure and ending a potential venture before it even starts. One thing in our culture could mean something completely and totally opposite in someone else’s and when you think your conveying the correct platform, in reality you are not on the same page as your client due to lack of preparedness due to poor Social skills are the ability to manage relationships to move people in the direction hat is crucial to the development of the company. Being a leader with good social skills one must be effective in leading change, persuasive, extensive networking, and experience in the leading and building of teams. This allows for the leader to manage what exactly they would want their company to adopt to better the future of the enterprise. With the correct social skills, it will ensure that your ability to persuade allies in other divisions to possibly help fund potential endeavors. Even if your social skills are lacking, there is always room to better your own social skills and evolve into he social butterfly that you always intended to be but never had the right force to push you. Once you have found common ground you can build a rapport and take your business to higher levels. Socially skilled people tend to have a vast amount of acquaintances and have the capabilities of finding common ground with all types of people. People who tend to achieve usually are optimistic including times of setbacks or failures. In conclusion, we are shown that everyone has the skills available to potentially be great leaders but that not everyone has the balanced set or capability to reach the Roth needed so we see that as an individual it takes more than Just one trait to be a great leader but it takes five individual characteristics that make up emotional intelligence that allows us to think before we speak and act making sure that we represent ourselves the way that resembles the characteristics that would make company blush and be glad they have you at their business. Conduct yourself with self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills and you will have the perfect concoction to making a great leader out of yourself and others around you. How to cite What Makes A Leader, Papers
Out Of Africa Essay Example For Students
Out Of Africa Essay The story is about a Danish girl, her name is Karen Blixen who went to Africaafter she married with Baron. In Africa and more precisely in Kenya she startedto run a coffee-farm. But its failure in 1931 caused her to return to Denmark. Baroness Karen Blixen spent 17 years in Africa. Karen began the coffee-farm withher husband, and continued to oversee the farm even after she separated in 1925. Th e farm was an unprofitable venture. Blixen shares her experiences in herbook. actually she is not like all the other colonists. She helps the Kikoejoes,they are the native population Ngong Hills. When the children are sick she helpsthem and she gives them medicines. Kamante is her cook and he his a nativechild. Kamante is her cook because one day Karen helped him whit a disease . Denys is a friend of Karen, he liked to her a story tolded . Denys lived in herhouse between safari. He was a good friend. Denys also had a plane and from timeto time Karen flew with him over Africa. When Karen left Africa she had to saygoodbye to a lot of peoples. E everybody liked her. She was a friendly girl andwhen she was in Denmark she received letters from her friend sin Kenya. It isnot a book like an other. Karen describes her surroundings -Africas people, shepays careful attention to detail. I have chosen this book because I have livedin Africa for 11 years and while I was reading the book I recognised a lot ofthings. I knew what she was talking about. It looked so familiar to me. And so Iliked the book. Book Reports
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Intro Essay Example For Students
Intro Essay I can still picture those long lines and high prices of the latest CD. This has now become just another one of my childhood memories. No more lines or handing someone else my twenty-dollar bill. We can get our music for free now. This has been called one of the best inventions of the century. Many people including myself spend hours on top of hours downloading all those hard to get songs. Finally the consumers are the ones in control. SummaryShawn fanning a nineteen-year-old multi million dollar dropout had the same dream as many Americans had. One day he awoke and didnt go back to sleep until his task was completed. What was his task? To create a software program where people could share their music for free. This technology is called peer-to-peer file sharing and its the biggest thing to hit the Internet since the Internet. Money and lawsuits are now rolling into Shawns pockets like water. Record companies have been working feverishly day and night to try and put a stop to this fad. Companies realized how much this would affect their profits. Buyers could pay $18.99 plus tax for a CD or just spend twenty minutes online for free. As of yet, no one has been able to stop Napster. Even though some court cases are still in judgment it doesnt look to good for the record companies. This has knocked record companies on their feet. Napster is going to stay running for now. ResponseNapster. One word that is known by people of middle class, lower class, old, young, black, white nearly any classification. What would a car be like without a stereo? Can you imagine? Music is very important to people just like their money. So why waste your money when you dont have to. Napster, while being praised by buyers, hated by artists, and loved by Internet geeks, has done wonders to the music and Internet industry. Many artists have tried to stop this worldwide trend by filling lawsuits and starting groups against Napster. Metallica filed a lawsuit and won yet their music is still being download. On the other hand Limp Bizkit recently did a concert with Napster as the sole advertiser. Still, artists seem to think this software is legal theft. Companies have stilled failed to look at the hard facts. The music industry has had a 6.4% increase for this year alone (SpeakOut). Records are being broken with groups like NSync selling 2.4 million CDs the first week of sales (SpeakOut). So why are record companies and artists still angry? Greed!!! Napster is good for publicity. Im sure a new group wouldnt mind having their music downloaded by 800 million people. Thats as good as it gets. What is music made for? Last I heard it was for people. If this is true why dont we have a say in this matter? This is looked over by companies. Since Napsters debut people have been able to download that song they havent heard since they were sixteen. Many people support Napster and resent the fact that its called stealing. Prices have increased about five dollars a CD (SpeakOut). Napster gives hard working people a chance to sit by the fire and listen to their favorite jazz piece. Besides all this is, is another hobby. I dont care how cheap you are no one is going to download and burn a CD as a Christmas gift. People are still going to go to the store and reach for the plastic wrapped case. If the courts decide to ban Napster there is always going to be some kind of loop whole, I mean cmon its the Internet. So why waste more of your money with expensive lawsuits?Shawn fannings invention of the P2P system is one of the biggest talked about subjects in technology. People can use it t o download whole movies off the Internet and even the Centers for Disease Control are using it. Our own government!!! This is only the beginning to a whole new e-era. Hundreds of services are going to branch off from Napster. So why try to ban Napster when your going to have to do the same thing with hundreds of other categories. Obviously P2P is here to stay and sorry to burs your bubble but so is Napster. .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06 , .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06 .postImageUrl , .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06 , .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06:hover , .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06:visited , .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06:active { border:0!important; } .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06:active , .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06 .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub9554d3f77cd115859a5be3a357c3c06:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Black Panther Party EssayHonestly record companies are going to have to learn to suck it up. Like the old saying goes, if you cant beat ?em join ?em. Who knows the industry could be trying to get rid of something that is just as poplar as music. Money, since this is their main concern, can be through Napster. If record labels could just pull their head out of their butts and actually cooperate with their foe, the case could be shut. After all isnt there more music listeners than big time executives and artists?Bibliographynone
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